Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I’m feeling better by the day.

I’m not just feeling better, I’m actually happy.

I’m happy for no good reason at all; when I get out of the bed I just feel happy. In the shower, I feel happy.

I’m puzzled; when shit happens, when the bitches and the bastards fuck me up, I revert back to a happy state within minutes.

I’m under tremendous pressure.

I’m under five million Pascals of stress.

I’m aware of the arduous academic work the lies ahead of me.

But I’m happy.

Maybe its because I get to, and am finally living in my own skin. Maybe its because I’ve settled down in this ecosystem.

Though by no means am I at the top of the food chain -yet? Maybe. Who knows.

Simplification of my life I think, has worked exceptionally well for me.

Oust the bitches. Oust the bastards.

Kill the arbitrary constant: there will be no more mathematical integration here.

Down this alley we differentiate until only the necessary things are left. =)

1 comment:

Andrew.C said...

It appears that you're thriving in the midst of hardships.

Also, apparently I missed out so many things and there is no reason to sigh. Not even the time.

So here, I wish you good luck in your academics, again. There's still quite a journey.

There is always a but. Do remember to slow down and recharge! =)