Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Standing Up

Warning: this is a post drenched in anger -a sheer, random outburst of emotion inspired by loud, bassy, metal music (Linkin Park) that I have become so obsessed with these past few days.

Life. It is many things to many people; the meaning of life is as varied as it is vast. Some spend a lifetime searching for the purpose in theirs, others live through them without even a passing thought. Whatever it may be for you, I know what it is not for me.

Life is not about the ruthless and absolute pursuit of goals, dreams, wealth or utility. There is leeway to everything, room for adjustment in every case, space to manoeuvre in every situation, and above all else, compassion.

Life, and “people” -the humane ones- are not cold or calculative. They are not machines, they are individuals who have humanity in them. They are warm, they have heart and they have values and principles.

There isn't always right or wrong in life; things are never that simple. Where fact, reason and objectivity may dictate, the feelings and emotions that makes us human say otherwise.

Life is not perfect, and neither is anyone.

My life, you can mess with. You can destroy the things I treasure, you can steal from me, my hopes and my dreams you can take away, you can fuck me up… yes, all of you. I may not stand up or fight back. I may have just walked away before, but it means not that I surrender. It means not that I quit.

Because I never will.

I won’t vanish from my earthly-existence without a struggle, I won’t fade into the darkness without first exploding into a blinding burst of flames.

It is not so much about perseverance as it is of defiance: I defy all the shit that is being thrown at me -stubborn little rebellious soul that I am, I refuse to budge. 

I wish for anarchy and a coup on the repressive social ‘norms’ and double standards that are being inflicted and implemented on us misfits.

I will not succumb, because I know to life there is diversity, and that is the only thing absolute about it.

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