Thursday, January 7, 2010


So you’ve had a long and tiring day. You’re all but drawn out by the endless (and tiresome) horde of faces. Faces worn like masks. Masks worn like faces. Faces like porcelain shells covering the hollow voids within.

You grab something to eat, you shower, you turn down the white lights into a cozy, mellow haven of incandescent bulbs.

You settle down into a comfy spot, and think to yourself how sickening it all is.


It frightens me to realise that I sometimes think of some friends that way. It frightens me to the very core when I think of some friends as a complete and utter nuisance.

It really scares me when I realise how much I’d rather distance myself from those I truly considered friends.

But above all else, it saddens me to think that we’ve grown so much that we no longer sync any more, that our wavelengths don’t match and that we’ve become so irrelevant to one another.

Some of them really go way back. Many don’t. But for those who do, I keep trying to be patient, knowing that this is just a moment and that it will pass.

But what if it doesn’t?

Are we destined then, to never cross paths again?

And worse still: what more of those that don’t go way back?

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