Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We’re all such a pathetic bunch.

We’re the wisest of the animals, our greatest asset: our ability to reason.

Or so it is said, for when the crunch comes, we break down and give way to the senselessness and the illogic of feelings and emotions.

Faith, love, happiness, hurt or selfishness. No one is immune, not even the staunches of atheists, the most cynical or jaded of lovers, not the strongest of people nor the most selfless of individuals.

We think of ourselves as superior to those around us. We impose our ideals and our beliefs -we who claim to accept and embrace diversity and promote individualism pour scorn on those who deviate from our perceived normality.

We’re nothing but hypocrites who live our lives to principles to which we cannot uphold to.

We do the things that hurt those who truly care for us. We let people and the immaterial come between the things that are really important to us. We who are taught and claim to forgive hold life-long grudges, as we cling to the bitterness of past events.

Fickle, shallow and annoying irritants. Tiresome, stubborn and sickening clingers who won’t let the past be. Cold, cruel, calculative machines who have not a soul. Righteous, thick-headed jerks. There isn't anything here that we have not been or done to those around us, and vice versa.

What I do, that will be done to me, and what you do, others will do to you.

But hey, that’s just what I believe in --me, the faithless atheist. Me, the hypocrite. 

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