I have absolutely no idea when I'll be back again, hopefully soon -and often- but I wouldn't know. I have no idea how long I'll be there for either; a few years maybe. Hopefully.
While I'm certainly not over the moon or super excited about going off, I am (naturally) getting nostalgic. It's just a few months more before I'd be gone!
You know, I have so much I want to do.
I want to spend as much time as I can with those closest to me, appreciating their warmth and their wonderful company as best I can. I'd want these remaining few months to be both memorable and meaningful.
I’d like to “clean up” some of the messy bits of my life; I have so much bad blood with so many people. Though it has never really bothered me all this while -it still doesn’t- it would certainly be great to be able to patch things up before I go.
This is beginning to sound so much like I’m about to die (!), while in actual fact its just going to be me being a continent away for eight months on end. But I guess like death, in a way it highlights how precious time is for all of us.
It is something we rarely realize until an ‘end’ is really before us, and only then do we start appreciating life, the people and the things around us to the full.
And so, with about four more months left, I’ll be trying to make use of this time as best I can. When this is over, I want to be able to look back and know that not a second of it was wasted away.
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